Progetto eTwinning “Youth and Climate”
Il Progetto eTwinning “Youth and Climate” si inserisce nell’ambito dei progetti europei e vede il coinvolgimento di varie scuole europee (Spagna, Francia, Italia, Turchia, Germania e Portogallo) che si confronteranno sui temi del cambiamento climatico e presenteranno i risultati dei loro lavori sulla piattaforma eTwinning.
Abstract Project
Climate change is the most challenging crisis of our century. Life as we know it will cease to exist as climate change threatens the balance of our one planet. We are now able to better understand the science behind climate change, better assess its impacts, and better develop tools to address its causes and consequences.
2022 is the European Year of Youth, shining a light on the importance of European youth to build a better future – greener, more inclusive and digital. With plenty of opportunities to learn, share visions, meet people and engage in activities. In this project we want our students to reflect on the climate issues, to experiment using the STEAM approach and let their voices be heard.